Playtonic celebrates Yooka-Laylee's 5th anniversary

5 years of the chameleon and bat

11 April 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 5

While it may be tough to believe, it’s already been 5 years since Yooka-Laylee launched into the world. While the game was originally slated for the Wii U, 3D platformer fans had to wait a bit longer to go hands-on with this title as it shifted development over to the Switch.

5 years later, and the unique duo has found their way into the hearts of retro gaming fans the world over. With a 3D platformer and side-scroller under their belt, Yooka-Laylee are set to star in Yooka-Laylee 2 sometime down the road. While we wait for news on that sequel, check out Playtonic’s tribute to the throwback pairing in the video above.

Finally, Playtonic has also taken to Twitter to share a tease related to this special anniversary. According to the developer, they have some ‘exciting things planned throughout the day, so make sure you check back for some surprises!’ We’ll make sure we keep tabs on whatever they reveal, and we’ll certainly bring you any Switch-related news.

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Comments (5)


2+ y ago

Dont you mean Yooka Laylee 3 ?.. 2 was impossible lair

I believe Playtonic considers Impossible Layer to be a side game, not a full-on sequel.


2+ y ago

I hope they fix the issues with the first one. It was glitchy and the whole expand the world thing when the worlds were kind of empty and lifeless was too much. I hate this trend of making huge maps that have nothing to do in them.



2+ y ago


Yeah, as far as I know, that’s officially a spin-off. Let’s see what they name the next game. I’m holding out hope for the horribly great Twoka-Laylee!