
Construction continues at Super Nintendo World Hollywood, and while there’s still a long way to go, things are certainly taking shape. In particular, the park’s warp pipe is really coming together. You can get a closer look at the build for this entrance in the video below.

Along with that, we have another extended look at the Feature Presentation store, which is now chock-full of Nintendo-related merch. If you’d like to take a look at a photo gallery of the store, along with a few more construction picks, you can find that here. If you’d rather a video walkthrough, you can take a peek at that below.

Thanks to D_says hi and Paul Gale for the heads up!

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2+ y ago

Both the Super Nintendo World store and construction of the park itself were awesome to see yesterday!

The store definitely offers a lot of Nintendo goodies to pick up and that warp pipe is going to be wonderful to walk through next year. 😁

Thank you for sharing my videos!