
We had an idea it was coming thanks to a leak, but now Capcom has made it official. Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium is indeed heading to Switch, and it should be arriving on June 22nd, 2022.

Capcom was extremely light on details, simply confirming the game, and then mentioning that SonSon will be a free download with this collection. Furthermore, pre-orders / early purchases of Capcom Fighting Collection will also get Three Wonders as a bonus at launch.

The June 22nd, 2022 release date comes from an Xbox listing that went live early, and as all the other leaked details have been confirmed so far, we’re thinking that date will stick as well.


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Comments (4)


2+ y ago

I’m hoping there’s a pack of games for this version that includes Power Stone.


2+ y ago


Oh man, now you’re making me want to play that again!


2+ y ago

Why not "Capcom Arcade Stadium 2"?


2+ y ago

Crossing my fingers for 1994's AVP!