
In the world of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, Palamutes are wolf-like companions that received special training in Kamura Village to become a faithful hunting companion. They’ll let you ride on their back, and even participate in coordinated attacks. They’re a must-have ally for any hunter.

In a new internal interview from Capcom, Moeri Abe, the designer of the Palamutes, shared a ton of details on how the creatures came to be. In one snippet of the feature, Abe reveals how the Palamutes got their striking purple color.

One of the keywords for Monster Hunter Rise was “Ninjas,” so we started wondering if we could add some ninja-like elements, and if we should give them a color that creates a nice contrast with the light-brown Palicoes, and that’s how we ended up with the current bluish purple. The main color we ended up actually using is actually a bit brighter than the color we used in the concept art, because we needed to make sure that the equipment didn’t blend in too much with the color of the fur.

[Moeri Abe, designer]

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