PlatinumGames has been sharing a number of development blogs for Bayonetta 3 for awhile now, diving deep into various facets of the title. It appears the team still has a ton to share, as they’ve shifted from written blogs to video features.

The second episode of the video interview series has now been released, giving us another look at the development of Bayonetta 3 directly from various members of the PlatinumGames development team. This latest episode details how the team aimed for a “sense of reality” with certain aspects of the game, and some of the challenges that came with that.

The devs that appear this time are as follows:

  • Supervising Director: Hideki Kamiya
  • Director: Yusuke Miyata
  • Producer: Yuji Nakao
  • Character Modeler: Masaki Yoritomo

Platinum has revealed that this will be a four-part video series, and episodes will be released once a week.


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1y ago

Watched both and damn fun stuff! Happy they didn't go for photorealistic though. It would just have too much of a change. But they did want a more realistic look which explains the lack insane long legs she used to have. I'm a bit torn on that, really. But I LOVE the dance-fight mix.

One of the best parts was when they said something like "we had an idea before we showed it to our partner Nintendo" which jusr re-cements that Bayonetta is a Nintendo IP now.

And no! We still don't like Viola as much as you do, Platinum. She's better than I thought, but she is NOT... Well I'll keep the spoilers away!

Damn excited to watch the next episode. And damn I want to replay Bayonetta 3 now! But backlog, like Bayonetta Origins =D