Experience the story of the legendary anime series, DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai, in an exhilarating action role-playing game that combines stunning visuals with art from the anime and manga.

On an isolated island, a boy named Dai lives among monsters, yearning to become a hero himself someday. Everything changes when the Dark Lord Hadlar is revived. With a new crisis facing the world, Dai and his companions set out to defeat Hadlar, and he soon learns about his own inescapable fate… This is the beginning of Dai’s adventure, and his quest to become a true hero!

Launching worldwide digitally on September 28, 2023, Switch. Pre-order now to receive the DRAGON QUEST III Legendary Hero Outfit for Dai & The Hero’s Tutor Bond Memory.

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Comments (2)


1y ago

I hope the inevitable japanese physical version will be multi language.


1y ago

Does the story of the game going until the end of the anime or the manga? The Manga goes much further than the anime and it has a lot of great moments