The Witcher III sells over 40 million copies

Bewitching fans worldwide

14 April 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 1

CD Projekt Red hasn’t had a great last year, facing all sorts of backlash for the state of Cyberpunk 2077. While they’re still clawing their way back from that debacle, the company has at least one reason to celebrate.

According to the latest sales information from CDPR themselves, the Witcher series has achieved a major milestone. While all Witcher games combined sold over 65 million units, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt accounts for the lion’s share of that number.

Believe it or not, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt has sold over 40 million units alone, making it far and away the most popular entry in the series. What we don’t know is how many of those units were sold on Switch. At the very least, we know it accounts for over a million!

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2+ y ago

Holy hell. I knew The Witcher III was popular, but that's crazy!