The other day, we mentioned that Capcom had opened up a 40th anniversary website that let you play a handful of their legacy games for free, but it also hosts a treasure trove of amazing content for their library of titles. One game that gets a deep dive is the original Mega Man, and Capcom has shared an incredibly interesting look at how that game came to be.

The Mega Man section on the Capcom Town website includes a look at the original design document for Mega Man, and it’s an absolute blast to dig through for fans of the Blue Bomber. The design document shows the beginnings of what would eventually become Mega Man staples, and it’s endlessly interesting to see how the iconic mascot got his start.

It’s really worth your time to flip through the design doc’s pages, as you get to see Robot Masters that didn’t make the cut, concepts for stage designs and so much more. If that sounds like a blast, you can find the design doc here.


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