
As you no doubt know, Microsoft and the FTC are currently battling it out in court over the potential purchase of Activision Blizzard. The FTC is pushing back hard on the acquisition, which has led to quite a contentious legal battle.

We’ve heard from all sorts of voices during this legal dispute, including Activision boss Bobby Kotick. Kotick recently took the stand to talk about a number of different topics, and much like other big players who’ve popped up during the trial, part of Kotick’s questioning involved discussion of Nintendo.

A series of quotes and comments have come out from Kotick, and one particular area of interest is chatter about what Nintendo’s doing after Switch. It seems there’s been a bunch of miscommunication in this area, with some statements making it seem like Kotick outed details on what Nintendo is doing next, while others make it seem like he’s just speculating.

On one hand, some comments made from Kotick make it seem like Nintendo’s Switch successor will see power close to what PlayStation 4 and Xbox One have to offer. On the other hand, another statement from Kotick makes it seem like he’s just guessing.

“I think we would consider [putting Call of Duty on the Switch’s successor] once we had the specs but we don’t have any at present”.

[Activision CEO Bobby Kotick]

Then we have another quote from Kotick that falls somewhere in the middle of both comments made above.

“Given closer alignment of Gen 8 platforms and our previous offerings on PS4 and Xbox One, it’s reasonable to assume we can make something compelling for NG [next-gen] Switch as well.”

[Activision CEO Bobby Kotick]

So…did Kotick let loose with some information on what Nintendo is doing after Switch, at least in terms of power? It’s pretty unclear at this point, as his statements go back-and-forth between conjecture and fact. The only thing we know for sure is that Nintendo wouldn’t want any of this out there, so you can imagine that even if this is conjecture, Nintendo isn’t happy.

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1y ago

I don't see why Nintendo would want their next system to be more powerful as a PS5. They might want the next systems power to be quite a notch up from Switch so it is possible to create new games and make them look a little bit more polished. So people can say stuff like Zelda has never looked this good! But when the power up is bigger than it needs to be a whole gen will be skipped and a tremendous cash cow will be overlooked.

VR will probably ask for more power, but I think in a little while it won't be necessary to process more pixels because of the limits of our eyes. So better make good use of the less powerful consoles while we still can. I'd love to see a new SNES game done by Nintendo EPD.

Edited 1 time


1y ago

The rumour circus has said it will be close to a PS4 for a long time now. The supposed Nvidia chip leak is, if real, pretty damn impressive according to those in the know-how. So this does give a little weight to the rumours and those "leaks".
A Switch with the power of PS4 would be pretty nice next year. Through in an OK vr set (extra power add-on as on PSVR1) and they absolutely have my attention (not like I wouldn't get a Nintendo system to begin with).