Switch sees best-ever June sales in Japan

This is absolutely insane!

06 July 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 5

The Switch is 6+ years old, and some are wondering when Nintendo is going to reveal their hardware successor. If you think Nintendo is keeping quiet for too long, a recent Switch sales update in Japan will show why the Big N is in no rush for whatever comes after Switch.

The Japanese hardware sales for June 2023 have come in, and the Switch has sold a staggering 380k units. Not only is that 68% higher than June of 2022, it’s also the best June sales the Switch has had in Japan throughout its entire lifespan.

To think that the Switch just set a sales hardware record in Japan 6 years after its launch is absolutely mind-boggling. Obviously that sales record was helped in a huge way by the launch of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but there’s no doubt the recent Nintendo Direct and its reveals also helped woo in more consumers.

For a little perspective, the Switch is inching up on 30 million units sold in Japan. If the platform manages to keep up with its current pace, the Switch will be Japan’s best-selling gaming hardware ever by mid-2024.

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Comments (5)


1y ago

Yep. Nintendo is doomed alright..dooomeeeed.


1y ago

This is evidence that size sure doesn't matter =)

Or evidence that a damn fine library of various, great games, therein many exclusive, do sell systems.
(Yeah, yeah. Of course the hybrid idea and great marketing!)


1y ago

In the seventh year?! The gosh darn SEVENTH YEEeEaR! This is madness. Congratulations are in order for that milestone. This sort of thing is absolutely unprecedented, and they didn’t even lower the price at all to achieve it.

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1y ago


It's as if they learned fro their mistake with the Wii and keep supporting it until the next system drops. That non-E3 E3 Direct was a real nice boost obviously. Too bad some stuff was basically leaked, but Mario RPG and Mario Wonder look damns sweet. And Mario games sell systems.
The advertisement for the Switch was the best for any of their consoles ever. Just killing the "kiddeh" image and saying it's for everyone. Damn smart move.


1y ago

Great to have a solid year of solid software and sales when the successor looms on the horizon.

Compared to how the Wii-U was at this point, the difference is staggering.

Hope Nintendo can keep up the momentum as they move into next gen, it'll make a big difference.

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