
The Pokémon Company has partnered with Netflix to produce a brand new stop-motion animated Pokémon series, Pokémon Concierge. We recently learned that the feature will release worldwide in Dec. 2023, and today we’ve gotten a bit more insight into the feature’s main character.

In an interview with, , the voice behind Pokémon Concierge’s main character Haru, Non, has shared a ton of insight into the character’s background and personality. It’s very clear that the team making Pokémon Concierge wanted Haru to be someone today’s generation can really identify with!

“Haru is a very hard working person. She is overworked. She is lost and then decides to work at [Pokemon Concierge]. It is her job to show hospitality to the Pokemon. She makes mistakes, fails, and then tries again. She learns a lot by working with Pokemon.”

“She used to work for a company, but had to be perfect there,” Non continued as she opened up about more of Haru’s overworked character. “Haru was under too much pressure. Expectations to make others happy. Changed job and started to embrace her imperfectness.” In fact, Haru ends up working closely with a Psyduck at Pokemon Concierge and Non explained why this was the perfect team up for a character who was dealing with so much burn out, “[Psyduck is] a character where you cannot see what he is thinking. Haru is interested, and Psyduck watches. Having that interaction softens Haru’s heart. She feels it is okay to not know how Psyduck feels. They grow together.”

[The voice behind Pokémon Concierge’s main character Haru, Non]

This delightful stop-motion animation tells the story of a concierge named Haru, who works at a resort just for Pokémon, and the guests who come to visit. Non, who performs the voice of Haru, takes us on a visit to dwarf studios, where we get a glimpse of Haru, Psyduck and a variety of other Pokémon.

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