
A number of classic Star Wars games have already made their way to Switch, including today’s release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. These games came to the platform thanks to Aspyr, and while the company isn’t revealing what’s next, it seems they’re open to fan suggestions.

One fan took to Twitter to ask Aspyr if they were planning to port Star Wars: Rogue Squadron to modern platforms. You can see the company’s response below.

Here at Aspyr we’re huge Star Wars fans and love bringing Star Wars games to new audiences. For us, it’s all about the games we think players are most passionate about and would love to see brought to new platforms. If the demand is there, we’re on board.

The Rogue Squadron game series saw 3 different releases, with the first appearing on the N64, then two follow-ups heading to the GameCube. There’s no reason why all three of these couldn’t find their way to Switch, so if you’d like to see these ports happen, make sure to let Apsyr know!

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Comments (3)


2+ y ago

I'd rather see a more talented developer take the reins if it's even on the cards. Give the games modern looking graphics.


2+ y ago

I demand it. Make it happen Aspyr.


2+ y ago

I'd love to see them at least start with the original Rogue Squadron. I grew up playing it on N64. It's hard to revisit after all these years but the PC version was in Steam so I picked that up. It looks how I remember the N64 game but there are some annoying bugs. Aspyr has done a decent job with other ports. Hope to see this on Switch!