
Time for the next round of Switch successor rumors, gang! Once again, please remember that none of this information is confirmed at this point. The only thing we know for sure is that Nintendo is indeed working on hardware that will supplant the Switch. The where/when/how/what are all speculation at this point. Now, with that out of the way…

The latest details on the supposed Switch successor come from insiders Nate the Hate and Andy Robinson/VGC, and they pertain to some tech specs, software and more. Here’s the round-up on what information was shared:

  • the device will have an 8-inch LCD Screen
  • the device will have 512GB of internal storage
  • a late 2024 launch is expected, somewhere around Sept/Oct.
  • the device will supposedly launch with a 3D Mario (backed up by 3-4 sources)
  • the device will use a new cartridge format

So there you go, a round of expected, yet juicy inside information on the Switch successor…supposedly. How do you feel about these leaked details, and are you siding with team real or team fake?

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12M ago

I believe it. The 3D Mario team hasn't released anything since Odyssey in 2017. My guess is the game has been complete for awhile and Nintendo was sitting on it to save it for the successor launch. Though that means that long rumored DK game by the Odyssey team was probably false which makes me sad as we are about to go on a decade since the last new DK game..


12M ago

A little disappointed that they may be starting with LCD screens again.


12M ago

The new cartridge format is believable. They could have a DS situation where there will be backwards compatibility for physical hardware. I just hope the downloaded library I have will transfer over, this is a deal breaker for a lot of customers who invested into their accounts.


12M ago

The current Switch OLED has a 7-inch screen. If this rumor is true, it would mean they're changing the form factor to something larger, which I would not prefer... I feel like the Switch is a good size as-is.

The change in cartridge format wouldn't bode well for backward compatibility. But it would be good news if Nintendo developed a new cartridge that held a lot more data without getting expensive. There are a lot of times where the Switch's cartridge capacity limitations have screwed us over.

Even without these being confirmed, I've started to begin expecting a new Nintendo system in 2024 anyway. It just seems like good timing.


12M ago


According to one of the ResetEra posters (who actually listened to the podcast, unlike me), there shouldn’t be any technical obstacles to backward compatibility beyond specifically choosing not to support it. The cartridges could be different the same way GBA or 3DS cartridges were different from their predecessors

So basically no further confirmation Re: backwards compatibility, except that it continues to make sense given the position the new system is in and not having it would be that much more disappointing.

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I hope you're right since I'd personally love to have backward compatibility. I made frequent use of it in the GBA and 3DS eras. I guess we wait and see.


12M ago

I just don't believe that a majority of people would not get a Switch 2 if it wasn't BC. Most people want new consoles for new games and experiences mostly and BC is a nice bonus but not a must to most. Especially the younger generations who have little nostalgia factor.
So if Switch 2 is released with better specs (which it will be), be a hybrid(which is obvious by now), come at a OK price (LCD is a hint), have some great games at launch (Mario Kart 9 is one of the big rumoured launch titles) and have a new, fancy something and with Nintendo's more aggressive marketing I'm pretty sure it will sell pretty darn good without the minority of people who refuse to get one because BC(who will get it eventually anyway).

Same as I don't think the PSVR2 would have sold millions more if it had BC to PSVR (and the PSVR2 actually sold better than some thought) or the XsX would have sold less without their BC efforts.

Now with all that said I still think the Switch will be BC since they have hinted at it. They have also officially said that NSO will transfer to Switch 2 so it will happen in some capacity.

Interesting times to say the least.

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12M ago

512GB? Now I don't believe any of this, lol.


12M ago

Nothing is confirmed. It could be something we didn't expect.


12M ago

Am I one of those sources...?
Jokes aside seems everything very plausible (minus the normal LCD screen).

- Going back to a LCD screen would be pretty backwards but Nintendo could release a Switch 2 OLED model later down the line which would be just like them.
- 512 GB internal storage is basically NOTHING nowadays so they damn well know that they have to give us at least this much.
- Late 2024 is still eralier than I expected and depending on their next games I predict that they delay it into 2025. Would mean no holiday bonus but the Switch released in spring 2017 and look how well it did.
- 3D Mario is the most plausible on the list.
- A new cartridge format doesn't mean no backwards compatibility, although I wish it had none. My 1 TB micro SD has 600 GB of data on it so I want to start fresh with the next console. A new format might also mean that the cartridges become cheaper. The biggest problem with the Switch was the insane cartridge costs which brought unnecessary restrictions for the developers. That is something Nintendo should be painfully aware of.


12M ago

Knowing Nintendo we can even imagine it to have a square shaped 20" screen placed like diamond in the system : P

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12M ago

The different cartridge format that this dude in the tweet so poorly breaks it down to in one sentence is really misleading.

First off the tech they use is a proprietary flash storage, extremely similar to an SD card. It is the exact same tech they've used since DS, as flash memory is still an industry standard for cards this size and smaller.

One brings up the manufacturer Macronix allegedly has a 3D NAND flash ready for production and distribution, which means that the memory cells have an extra layer stacked on top for much larger storage size capabilities at a lower cost. This is the only information they give that allegedly has any sort of backable source, and one I absolutely believe could be used for the new system, even if not right away. It is similar as SD to SDHC/XC. We could not even notice the difference in the card physically.

The other guys talking to...Nate? (I don't know who any of these guys are) seem to have no idea what they are talking about otherwise and are just talking in hypotheticals. one guy is suggesting they lose the tech and legacy port solely to curb piracy because dumping the carts is easy, something that makes no sense since they can't just drop flash memory. They can (and will) use the same exact port that will read the higher capacity cards, so dropping the port altogether also makes no sense.

If they drop backwards compatibility, it will be because the architecture is wildly different with no way to brute force emulate it on the new system and not because "new card format".

The rest of the stuff is believable or safe guesses you can backpedal on slightly and still act like you're correct. 512GB for storage is mid/low end now and dropping in price pretty quickly. The price difference between 256GB and 512GB is almost negligible at this point, and I can't imagine they'd go lower than 256GB. Name dropping a game that will for sure happen at some point is hardly a leak because if it doesn't happen at launch they can just say "plans changed but it's still in development I'm still right". I don't believe the screen size, but it would make for a larger housing which could make for a larger battery, and it's going to need a larger battery to comfortably hit over 2 hours.

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I don't know that anybody is demanding backward compatibility to the extent that they wouldn't buy the next console without it, but a lot of us just think it's a nice feature to have. For home consoles, you can play last gen's games with fewer consoles hooked to your TV. And for handhelds, it means not carrying an extra machine with you.

I played the Zelda Oracle games on my GBA, and frequently had DS games with me to play on my 3DS.


12M ago


Adding to you, it also helps with faster adoption, as people won't feel quite as burned when they can still play something on it. Plus if they take advantage of the new hardware and the games run slightly better, you have another advantage that is basically built in for free. They want all these people with a switch now to move to the next one, and us here won't not buy it of course, but they want the people who don't follow every gaming trend to feel like they need to upgrade as well, and this absolutely softens the blow. They also want people who might not have a switch but still buy their switch games, as those games will be on shelves for years to come.

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12M ago


Oh I whole heartedly agree with you that it would be a very nice addition and a great bonus, but there is a very vocal team who say they would refuse to get one if there is NO BC.
I also agree that the probability that it will have it is big, but the point is that there is a vocal crowd already whining I just do not believe in.


12M ago


"Plus if they take advantage of the new hardware and the games run slightly better"

This is the interesting part. Will they? I think so, if they add BC, that yes. The 3DS to DS, Wii to GC etc was different since they basically had a built in DS or GC in those systems. It just turned off the new stuff and ran the old ones........ But that costs and I do not think they will keep the old chipset AND the in the Switch 2.
So! It could be emulation and with emulation they can boost quality of some games I guess. No expert of course.


12M ago

If it will be anything like the past it basically won't be backward compatible. Maybe it plays Switch games but a few years later a new system comes along and your eShop gets shut down and the new system (which you're probably interested in by the time..) won't play your Switch stuff at all. A new eShop comes along and it wants to sell you (pretty cool) remastered versions of the same games you had on your old system.

It doesn't matter if it'll be BC because you can play your Switch games on the Switch. But it does matter when they pull the plug on your Switch online systems and shops, which they will after a while. I didn't Switch and my Nintendo eShops (Wii, Wii U & 3DS) have already closed down.

This is why I hope they'll go for an offline console this time...

Just keep the Switch as an online console (and maybe reboot the other eShops again as well). Because the temporary online playgrounds and stimulation of updates and DLC are gone, outdated and closed again before you know it. I just need more stability for the grounds I build on and invest my time in. For example I spend 500+ hours on one SMM level and maybe a lot more on my WWDIY game. I like these creations and a lot of others from so many many fans and creators. I just like to spend time on my creations, but Nintendo's infrastructure just can't be trusted the way it is now. They pulled the plug on Flipnote Studio, and a lot of other platforms for our creations to be shared. I've seen many amazing works of art specially made to be showed on these online systems.. Just for a while, because everything gets closed down only because our attention needs to be captured again for the new stuff that needs to be sold as much as possible.

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12M ago

It should be 1TB... so bad... same with not using OLED. Screen size is perfect though.

giancarlo thomaz senoni

12M ago

it would be suicidal, if the Switch sucessor lack backward compatibly, knowing how anti-consumer/greed current Nintendo is, they will make us pay $20/30 for 4K patch in Tears of the Kingdom for example

giancarlo thomaz senoni

12M ago

a 3D Mario for launch title for Switch sucessor, is almost given, EPD8 is working on the next 3D Mario since 2017, 7 years of development, making it the longest development cycle for a Mario game.