
Feral Interactive knows their way around the Switch, as they’ve worked on a number of different ports for the platform. Their output includes titles like The Lara Croft Collection, Alien: Isolation and GRID Autosport, and it appears they have even more on the way.

Feral Interactive has taken to social media to share the above image, along with teases of projects to come in general. In particular, two different Switch projects are coming from the company, and each has a cryptic tease. The first teaser includes an image with dolphins and text that reads “over our heads,” while the other shows a pool table alongside the words “now you’ve got to play the part.”

As of right now, the internet collective seems to think that Feral Interactive is teasing both Hitman Absolution and something from the Just Cause series. Of course, that’s all speculation for now, but hopefully Feral Interactive pulls back the curtain soon!

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