
One of the biggest stories from last week was the leak of a supposed GBA emulator for Switch. For years now, we’ve heard rumors of Nintendo eventually bringing GBA, GBC, and Game Boy titles to the Switch Online service, but nothing official ever comes out. This leak was supposedly the best evidence yet that Nintendo has, at the very least, tested out the idea. Of course, the question surrounding the whole leak is whether or not the leak was legit.

In order to determine the leak’s validity, expert Modern Vintage Gamer took a deep dive into the emulator leak. MVG picked the leak apart from top to bottom, poked and prodded the emulator, and looked for the hallmarks of legit Nintendo software. You can see his expert analysis in the video above, but if you’re just looking for his final opinion, you can see that below.

“In conclusion, yes - I do believe Sloop (GBA emulator’s codename) was developed by Nintendo.”

At the time of the leak, we suspected it was indeed legit. Now with an expert’s opinion behind it, we have no reason to suspect that this is anything other than actual software Nintendo worked on.

Again, that brings us back to hoping Nintendo will actually release this functionality somewhere down the road, as it would be a shame for this to be dead in the water after the testing phase.

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2y ago

SLOOP there it is! SLOOP there it is.