
For decades now, Nintendo has been a company that creates games and gaming hardware, and they’ve found amazing success with those initiatives. The company has also released some merch and other products over the years, but their focus has always been purely on creating game content.

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen Nintendo reach beyond their gaming business to try some new things. In particular, Nintendo and Universal teamed up to create the Super Nintendo World series of theme parks, along with the production of the Super Mario Bros. Movie. Both of these efforts have been incredibly successful, blowing away even the most generous of predictions.

Moving forward, it’s clear Nintendo has aspirations of reaching even further out into the world of entertainment, rather than keeping a laser-focus on gaming. Nintendo will also have gaming as a core business, but in an interview with the Washington Post, Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser mentions that the company’s overall business strategy is evolving.

“We’re actually evolving into being an entertainment company with gaming as a nucleus of the overall business model.

…If there is competition, it’s asking ourselves, ‘How do we compete for people’s entertainment time?’ We all have limited time. How do we create devices or platforms that are differentiated and unique and people want to play, or create devices or platforms that are differentiated and unique that people want to engage in? Because, in the end, that’s what’s important to us: Keep people engaged, bring them into our platforms or just our IP through various means like the movie or the theme park.”

[Doug Bowser]

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Comments (5)


11M ago

Which is ironic because he's evolved into an insurance salesman


11M ago


Nintendium Life Insurance


11M ago

We've been hearing this same shtick for years. Nintendo has always viewed other forms of entertainment as competition. Anything that takes time away from Nintendo is a threat to them.


11M ago

Nintendo has entertained me since the 80's.... But yeah I get it.


11M ago

Love Hotels were always entertainment.