Check out some official arwork for Princess Peach Showtime!

Perfect form, no matter the skill

15 September 2023
by videocookies 2

We finally saw some more of Princess Peach Showtime! today during the Nintendo Direct and now we know that the game’s main mechanic revolves around Peach transforming and being able to use different abilities to progress.

Said abilities have gotten some new official artwork and you can see them below in full glory!

If you want to see even more art from the game, click here.

[Nintendo Japan]

About videocookies


Gamer by day, gamer by night as well, (I guess), and occasionally GoNintendo writer by like the evening (Eastern Time, maybe it's by night for you, who knows!)

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Comments (2)


11M ago

At least now Peach could get a new moveset for Smash 6. If and whenever that is.


5M ago

Cool! This is artwork is awesome!