Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth Adorable Arts and Bring Arts Figures Revealed

As if one Sephiroth wasn't trouble enough!

20 September 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 0

Final Fantasy VII already has a ton of merch associated with it, but it’s clear Square Enix has no intentions on stopping now. The company has revealed that two more figurines are on the way, and each gives a different take on Sephiroth.

Sephiroth Adorable Arts and Bring Arts figures have been revealed, and both of them are set to arrive in 2024. As you can see above, the Adorable Arts figure takes a more cutesy approach to Sephiroth, while the other is much closer to how the character looks in the original Final Fantasy VII.

If you want to go with the Adorable Arts version of Sephiroth, you’ll have to cough up $75. If you’d rather have the Bring Arts version, you’ll need to spend $130. If you’d like to take a closer look at each version, you can find them here and here.

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