The Pale Beyond crosses over to Switch today

Might want to get a little sun

06 October 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 0

The Pale Beyond is an exploration narrative game where your Captain goes missing and it’s up to you to safely bring your crew home. Can you make the hard calls and head in the only direction you can - into The Pale Beyond? Get ready to try when the game releases on Switch today.

Five years ago, The Viscount and its crew set sail through The Pale Passage in search of absolute magnetic South. The ship and its crew were tragically lost to the ice, never to be seen again. Her sister ship, The Temperance shall follow in her path, hoping to find answers where The Viscount failed.

A polar exploration game set in an unforgiving frozen wasteland where you embark on a treacherous voyage across the ice and through the Pale Beyond. It’s a stunning yet harsh landscape that can change at any moment.

Every decision matters and the ice doesn’t care. As the expedition unfolds and the Polar Winter approaches, every decision you make will have a meaningful impact on the story as you navigate your way across the ice.

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