
The Switch is a runaway hit for Nintendo, selling over 130+ million units and it’s still going strong. This is an incredible turnaround from Nintendo’s last console, the Wii U. That platform sold just over 13 million in its entire run, failing to find an audience anywhere in the world.

While Nintendo has long since moved on from the Wii U, it seems one Nintendo fan out there has not. According to Circana’s Mat Piscatella, one new Wii U unit was sold in the United States in September 2023. Of course, we don’t know who it was that purchased that Wii U, but hopefully they’re a happy customer!

To put things into even more perspective, this is the first time a new Wii U has sold in the United States since May 2022. If only we could find out why it was this one lone customer decided now was the time to buy a Wii U!

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Congratulations to they lucky kid who is getting that under the tree this year!


10M ago

Congratulations to they lucky kid who is getting that under the tree this year!


10M ago

Hopefully it's not a dud. I guess you could argue Wii U itself was a dud but I mean wasn't there a thing last year where people's Wii U systems were dying from sitting unused for too long?

My pad's battery doesn't hold a charge, but my system's fine. *knock on wood* But yeah, hopefully that person will be able to use it.

I wonder if that person bought it just to play Xenoblade Chronicles X since that's probably the only exclusive worth getting a Wii U for IMO.


10M ago

I hope he's luckier than me. My WiiU died after some years, at first it stopped sending image to the TV (It didn't matter if I used the HDMi or A/V), than at some point it didn't left the initial screen anymore.... I wasn't able to finish Xenoblade Chronicles X T_T

Edited 1 time


10M ago

good luck finding games for it since the eshop is shutting down


10M ago


That sucks. My GamePad still holds a charge but my launch 3DS and original DS have both reached that point where I can't use them for more than 5 minutes without the charger plugged in before the red light comes on that the battery is low.


10M ago

I wouldn't say the Wii U failed to find an audience anywhere in the world. It actually did very well in Japan from what I recall, even beating out the PS4 for several years (as the PS4's runaway success mainly came from the West due to the hype from E3 2013).