
After nearly two years of back-and-forths, legal battles, clarifications and setbacks, Microsoft finally has the green light to gobble up Activision. That means there’s some big changes ahead for all of gaming, and quite a sizable shift for Nintendo fans as well.

Microsoft previously claimed that if they secured Activision, they would be brining Call of Duty to Nintendo fans on whatever Nintendo hardware was available at the time. Not only that, but the Nintendo-related Call of Duty releases would have feature parity with other versions. Now that the Microsoft deal is official, Microsoft is sticking to those claims.

On the Official Xbox Podcast Head of Xbox Phil Spencer talked about the future of Call of Duty on Nintendo, and it’s clear the company is serious about bringing Nintendo fans into the fold.

“For Call of Duty players on Playstation, and in the future on Nintendo, I want you to feel 100% part of the community. I don’t want you to feel like there’s content you’re missing out, there’s skins you’re missing out, there’s timing you’re missing out on. That’s not the goal. I want the Call of Duty nation to feel supported across all platforms.”

[Head of Xbox Phil Spencer]

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9M ago

I'm always gonna be a Nintendo guy, but I really do like and trust Phil. I think Xbox has made great strides under his leadership and they really feel like the most benevolent of the three these days, especially with Nintendo's post-Iwata leadership being somewhat... lacking ethically. Meanwhile, Spencer's Xbox might be my second-favorite manufacturer paradigm behind Iwata's Nintendo. I wish modern Nintendo would emulate some of modern Xbox's practices, particularly regarding legacy products.

Edited 5 times


9M ago


Microsoft just enacted the largest act of corporate consolidation in the history of the gaming industry. The multiplatform Call of Duty deal is nothing but a fig leaf to appease regulators. It's straight out of the "ens***tification" playbook, and it's going to set a precedent that could upend game companies as hard as what streaming has done to film. They've been better than others at managing their past, but they're threatening the future. There's nothing benevolent about that. A friendly figurehead throwing bones to "The Fans™" and "The Community©" does not begin to compensate.