Nintendo must be very happy right now, as the praise from press and gamers alike for Super Mario Bros. Wonder has been through the roof. The game has even set a record as the fastest-selling Mario title in Europe…EVER! How do you celebrate all of this? By playing some Super Mario Bros. Wonder, of course!

Nintendo has released a new video showcasing some Super Mario Bros. Wonder gameplay with some very special guests. None other than Nintendo’s Takashi Tezuka and Shiro Mouri sat down for a little co-op session in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, and the duo clearly had a blast playing together.

While you might think Takashi Tezuka and Shiro Mouri know Super Mario Bros. Wonder inside and out, it must be incredibly nice to kick back and fully enjoy the game now that it’s out the door. Plus, whenever you’re playing co-op, you never know what the other players will do that could impact your experience in a big way!

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