No hallucinations here! Frank and Drake, the gorgeous rotoscoped narrative adventure starring an unlikely duo solving a conspiracy, developed by Appnormals and published by Chorus Worldwide, invites everyone into their otherworldly abode with a new permanent price drop to $12.99/£10.99/€11.99/¥1980.

The latest title from the award-winning developers of STAY alongside the console publishers of A Space for the Unbound and Coffee Talk tells a strange tale in a fictional mid-Atlantic city. Explore a branching tale of the eponymous, unlikely roommates set in the lovingly rotoscoped Oriole City, with more than 8,000 hand-drawn frames of traditional 2D art overlaying filmed footage.

Frank, still recovering from an amnesiac episode a year ago, runs a ramshackle apartment block as its superintendent during the day while taking care of Underdog, a scrappy one-eyed, wheelchair-riding dog. Drake’s solar allergy requires him to live the night life as a bartender, communing with his deceased mother from her gravesite under the moonlight after shifts. Lately, he deals with visions of unhoused people protecting him from an unsavory character.

The duo’s already odd circumstances intensify when the two find themselves enmeshed in a strange conspiracy teeming with riddles. Playing as Frank by day and Drake by night, communicating by sticky notes left in the apartment, the duo works asynchronously to get to the bottom of Frank’s missing memories, Drake’s visions, and the unseen puppet master pulling the strings.

Delve into the city’s secrets through a branching narrative across seven in-game days, where each choice guides the story down branching paths. Gain insights from multiple endings to uncover the true reality of Frank and Drake’s shared situation. Scrutinize the whole story across various paths with puzzles to solve and mini-games to complete.

Frank and Drake supports English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese language text.

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