Super Mario RPG remake handled by ArtePiazza, Unity used

The Nintendo x Square ties strengthen

10 November 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 1

Ever since it was revealed, fans have been wondering just what development team was working on Super Mario RPG for Switch. Today, just a week out from launch, we finally have that answer.

The mystery is over, as now we know that ArtePiazza is the development team Nintendo worked with to bring Super Mario RPG to life on Switch. This is actually a pretty fantastic fit, as ArtePiazza is most well known for working with Square Enix on multiple Dragon Quest titles. To see Nintendo team with a third party with extremely close ties to Square Enix on a remake of Super Mario RPG just makes perfect sense.

Along with this information, we also learned that Super Mario RPG was built using the Unity engine. Nintendo started working on Unity-built titles a few years back, and they’ve certainly been getting some mileage out of the engine. That said, you have to wonder if they might be changing direction going forward considering the recent controversy surrounding Unity and licensing fees.

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9M ago

Maybe that explains why the DQIII HD-2D remake takes so long.