
A few months back, we reported on the collaboration between The Pokémon Company and the renowned Japanese Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku, titled “Project Voltage 18 Types 18 Songs.” This project promised 18 songs and accompanying illustrations, each representing a unique Pokémon type.

The eighteenth and final illustration was released back in late September, but it turns out there’s even more art to look forward to. These supplemental art pieces will release on random dates, but they’ll continue to showcase Hatsune Miku and Pokémon together. Along with that, the art will spotlight some other Vocaloid idols as well.

Today’s art is titled “New Year’s Day”, and features Hatsune Miku alongside alongside a group of Pokémon. The illustration was drawn by artist LAM.

About znbashi


Just someone who spent most of his childhood playing Smash Bros with my brother, which led me to explore more games. Favorite franchises include Xenoblade and Kirby.

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7M ago

The weird difference in size between Hakmo-o's left and right hands where the one further from the camera is bigger, and how the left/right hand claws almost look like different styles is throwing me off.