There have been many complaints about the state of the Switch eShop, with some developers seemingly dumping everything and everything they can onto the digital service to make a quick buck. This is a problem with all digital storefronts when it comes to games, as you don’t have to dig deep to find shovelware.

One such publisher that some find to be a shovelware distributor is Midnight Works. You can find countless games of dubious quality from them on the Switch eShop, and YouTuber Luke Wild decided to chronicle some of their efforts in a series of YouTube videos. Apparently, those videos made their way back to Midnight Works, and they were none too pleased with what they saw.

In the video above, Wild talks about how he believes Midnight Works has been toiling behind the scenes to get his YouTube channel in hot water by submitting false reports. Wild also has a mountain of evidence to support his claims, and the further you get into the breakdown, the more damning it looks for Midnight Works.

Midnight Works is yet to respond to the allegations, but it’s likely this is just the start of a long and drawn-out battle. We’ll keep tabs on the situation to see what pops up from here.

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5M ago

Seems dumb to me to go after a random channel.