Developer Nagai Industries has announced that they’re bringing inKONBINI: One Store. Many Stories to the Switch in 2025. You can see the announcement trailer for this title above.

inKONBINI: One Store. Many Stories is a meditative third-person single-player experience that puts you in the shoes of Makoto Hayakawa, a college student taking a break from her studies to help her aunt at the small and cozy convenience store.

Discover joy and wonder hidden behind the daily routine of a konbini worker, engage in meaningful conversations with a diverse cast of characters, and see how their stories intertwine in a beautifully-rendered early 1990s.

Over the course of the game, you’re going to establish your own ways of managing the store and see how your day-to-day decisions affect the lives of your customers.

You will learn their buying habits and develop a unique approach to each one of them in order to make their experience at the store smooth and pleasant.

Key Features

  • A relaxing, narrative-driven experience focused on character stories and dialogue interaction;
  • A diverse cast of characters with their own distinct personalities, buying habits, and little quirks that make each encounter memorable;
  • A variety of accessible mini-games, carefully recreating a store clerk’s daily routine (restock products, make phone calls, scan goods, and checkout your customers);
  • An authentic, beautifully-rendered konbini with a nostalgic feel of the early 1990s;
  • A branching storyline with multiple dialogue options, offering deep conversational experience;
  • An ASMR sound designed to compliment your playtime with sensations of calm and solace.

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