The Switch offers a decent amount of ways for you to control all sorts of games, and that includes racing games. Depending on the game you’re playing, you can use the Joy-Con thumbsticks, a Pro Controller, motion controls, or even accessories that make motion controls even more immersive.

It seems all of those options weren’t enough for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe fan @hdiv6xeWxcLUS51, as they wanted something that used the Joy-Con in a way that no one had ever thought of. Sure, you can get a piece of plastic shaped like a steering wheel to throw a Joy-Con in, but what about a mini steering wheel that actually uses BOTH Joy-Con?

@hdiv6xeWxcLUS51 turned to 3D printing to come up with a one-of-a-kind controller accessory that takes both Joy-Con and uses them in tandem for a steering solution fitted with a tiny steering wheel. It pretty much accomplishes what a full-sized steering wheel accessory would, but in the palm of your hand. Much more importantly, it also offers a bit of tactical feedback thanks to the resistance of the thumbsticks.

This looks like an incredibly fun way to play racing games on Switch, and if you’ve got access to a 3D printer, you could give this build a go yourself! You can access all the files you need to craft one of these yourself through this link.

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