
The Minecraft movie is slated to release on April 4th, 2024, which means we’re roughly one year away from its arrival. As we wait for plot details to come in, it seems we’ve gotten pretty close to a confirmation on a report from earlier in the year.

We’ve known for quite some time now that Jack Black would be part of the Minecraft movie, but early reports said he’d be taking on the role of Steve. While that’s still not 100% confirmed, Black has shared a video on social media showing himself walking into a trailer on-set that has a Steve nametag on the front. At not point does Black say its his trailer, but it would be a bit odd for him just to wander into someone else’s trailer while they’re not there.

The Minecraft film is coming from Vertigo, co-financier Legendary, Mojang/Microsoft and Momoa’s On the Roam. Producers on the project include Roy Lee, Jon Berg, Mary Parent, Cale Boyter, Momoa, Torfi Frans Olafsson, Vu Bui and the late Jill Messick. EPs are Todd Hallowell, Kayleen Walters, Brian Mendoza and Jonathan Spaihts.

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3M ago

I suppose at least we know he's somebody who has probably played and understands Minecraft.