
There are all sorts of way to gauge just how popular a game is. You could look at cold, hard sales stats for the game itself, but with the way games continue to bring in costumers and keep them spending for months, if not years after launch, it’s important to take a look at the bigger picture. Now we have a glimpse at what gamers are engaging with most and opening their wallets for this March.

Newzoo has collected data from gamers in the US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy to figure out where the gamers are. First up, we have a breakdown of the top 20 games by monthly active users:


Next up comes the the top 20 games by revenue in US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy for March:


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Comments (3)


3M ago

Lady Gaga did this! Fortnite was just a small game no one heard of, and now it is the top game in the world. Please ignore previous months of Fortnite being number 1 because that doesn't fit my narrative.


3M ago

For doing basically nothing right lately, I'm impressed Overwatch still brings in so many players. I love the game still, but due to monetization that I assume execs demanded and seemingly no vision or plan after Jeff Kaplan left, it feels like a hollow, soulless experience as it currently is.


3M ago

No one plays Nintendo games anymore?