
Fortnite has been going strong for seven years it’s easy to forget a time when it wasn’t one of the biggest names in gaming. Coming out of nowhere during the 2017 boom of battle royale shooters Fortnite’s colorful look and quirky style captured the interest of millions and hasn’t let go since.

One must wonder what it was like viewing Fortnite’s growth from behind the scenes, well we have some insight as co-creator Donald Mustard sat down with Games Radar to give his perspective on the series’ growth, you can reads his thoughts down below.

…such a humbling experience the more I reflect on it - and even the whole time, it was an amazingly humbling experience to see that something that I’ve been able to work on with, not just with a bunch of people, a lot of the core team who made Fortnite were people I had been working with for years even decades. We have something we collectively built together and in our heads thought ‘what if we did that thing, wouldn’t it be cool’. and to see that resonate and resonate and resonate with hundreds of millions of people is staggering. And then to be able to experiment in the way that we did.

at the time […] we were just making stuff up. Even the way that we structured the pacing of a battle royale match in our world, it was largely designs to give you most of your time where you were handing out with your friends and not engaging in combat.

“The fact that it kind of worked on the scale it did is astounding and wonderful. I will cherish it forever. I have had so many unique experiences with my own family and my own friends, my own kids, playing Fortnite but then being able to talk with so many people that have been able to be entertained by it. It’ll be a cherished thing for the rest of my life. And I can’t believe I got to experience it.”

[Donald Mustard via Games Radar]

About jmaldonado


A recently graduated creative writer hoping to work his way into the greater gaming sphere.

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