Ahoy, crewmates and Steambots! Today, Thunderful revealed their second feature trailer for the upcoming game, SteamWorld Heist II.

In the newest feature trailer, SteamWorld Heist II narrator Kyle T. Johnson gives players a deeper look at the game’s story and lead characters, before taking them on a journey through SteamWorld Heist II with an expanded look at the sequel.

The Great Sea Shard is brimming with secrets, missions, and stories waiting to be uncovered. Explore the watery world that sets the stage for SteamWorld Heist II - and take a look at the overworld gameplay! Learn all about Captain Quincy Leeway and his loyal steam-mates Daisy and Wesley, dive into mysterious waters filled with dangers, discover thrilling ship combat, and more.

SteamWorld Heist II is coming to Switch on August 8th, 2024.

[Press release]

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