
College is a pretty amazing time in a young adult’s life. It’s when kids leave the nest to find themselves, live away from home, experience life, and of course, take all kinds of college courses. Landing on a major is one of the many decisions college students have to make, but Nintendo fans might have things a tad easier if they go to one university in particular.

Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is offering up a student-taught class that specifically focuses on the Fire Emblem franchise. “Fire Emblem Design and Analysis” says it will help students “gain a deeper understanding of the game design, mechanics and writing of the Fire Emblem series.” If you’re already a fan of the franchise or are eager to learn more, it sounds like there’s no better way to do so than picking up this class!

It’s important to note that this course is offered alongside the university’s degrees instead of being a part of them. Still, these courses do count towards final degrees, so there’s more to them just taking the class for fun. A study of all things Fire Emblem that can also lift your grades a bit?! I mean, how could any self-respecting Nintendo fan say no?!

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2M ago

That will likely be a fun and interesting course!

I hope someday we might be able to see the lecture recordings!