
Nintendo released quite a few designs for the GBA SP, and there are some collectors fawn over more than others. Still, some fans want to add something a bit more unique to their portable collection, and that’s where the work of DK’s Game Emporium comes into play.

The above Magikarp-themed GBA SP isn’t an official Nintendo product by any means, but that doesn’t make it any less gorgeous. The GBA SP, which also features a backdrop inspired by the famous “Great Wave off Kanagawa” piece, is currently up for grabs for $300. Coughing up the cash will net you this amazing piece, which also throws in the following upgrades:

  • Brand New IPS Backlit Display
  • New 900 mAh Li-ion Battery
  • Matching colored wrist lanyard
  • Choice of button color

If you’d like to get a better look at this masterpiece or purchase one for yourself, you can do so through this link.

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