Latest Fortnite survey mentions Donkey Kong, Link, Bowser and more

The latest list of collabs that'll never happen

29 May 2024
by rawmeatcowboy 0

Every so often, Epic shares a survey with Fortnite players in order to gauge what their interests are. Every season of Fortnite offers multiple collaborations with other franchises, and that includes brands from the worlds of gaming, movies, TV shows and so on. The future of Fortnite will be no different, and now we know the latest slate of properties Epic would like to work with.


The image above collects every single property listed in the most recent Fortnite survey. In particular, Epic wants to know how familiar Fortnite players are with the franchises and characters mentioned. While the vast majority of these names won’t ever appear in Fortnite, they’re at least brands Epic is considering.

Last time in the videogames section of this survey, we saw a number of Nintendo properties mentioned. In particular, Samus Aran, Yoshi, and Sheik were all name-dropped. Some of those names pop up yet again this time, but they’re also joined by newcomers like Bowser, Donkey Kong, Link and plenty of other big-name franchises.

In some way, shape or form, Epic would like to find a way for these franchises to exist within Fortnite. While many of these seem like incredibly long shots considering the gameplay of Fortnite, there’s certainly some wiggle room within the various modes the game has to offer.

We’ll keep tabs on the Fortnite situation going forward, and should we see any movement on the Nintendo-related properties, we’ll be sure to let you know.

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