
In I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, a narrative RPG with card-based battles, you spend your teenage years on an alien planet. Explore, grow up, and fall in love. The choices you make and skills you master over ten years will determine the course of your life and the survival of your colony.

If you’ve already played the game, you’re probably quite familiar with Nomi-Nomi. If you happen to be fond of the character, then you’ll be happy to know that you can snag a limited-edition plush of the character for just $30!

Nomi-Nomi is the only Teenage Exocolonist who doesn’t know their genetic augment, but it must be “boundless enthusiasm” because you can’t keep Nomi down. They’re always diving headfirst into adventures and making cool stuff. The “emojiproj” they wear behind one ear projects holograms based on Nomi’s mood. During Pride Month it displays “! ! !” to show their excitement!

If you’d like to secure one of these plush dolls, you can do so through the Makeship website right now.

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