
The Pokémon World Championships are the pinnacle of competitive Pokémon play. The Pokémon World Championships feature the best Pokémon players from around the globe in a three-day event for a prize pool of over 2 million dollars (the highest prize pool in the Championship Series circuit), the title of Pokémon World Champion, and return invitations for the following year’s Worlds. The 2024 Pokémon World Championships will be held August 16–18 in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.

In advance of the 2024 World Championships, Pokémon Co. has revealed the Worlds Pikachu plush, which will be available at the Pokémon Center at the World Championships. Along with that, we’ve also gotten a peek at the Promo Card Trainers get for competing, and it features new artwork for the Paradise Resort.

Players qualify for Worlds by earning Championship Points at events throughout the Championship Series season. Pokémon TCG, VGC, and Pokémon GO players must hit a threshold of Championship Points to earn their Worlds invitation, whereas Pokémon UNITE teams must finish near the top of the Championship Point rankings in their rating zone. The number of Championship Points required to receive an invitation is based on both geographical rating zone and age division.

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