
Metal Gear Solid fans have been eating good lately, as a number of re-releases, revamps and remakes have been announced. Turns out Konami has interest in keeping the MGS train going, as they’ve just revealed yet another product fans will be dying to get their hands on.

Konami has pulled back the curtain on Metal Gear Solid: The Vinyl Collection, which they’ve teamed with Laced Records to make happen. This 6-LP set includes 53 songs from the Metal Gear Solid series, along with a collection of official arrangements. Fans can look forward to hearing tracks from the original Metal Gear all the way up to MGSV.

Metal Gear Solid: The Vinyl Collection is priced at $140, but sadly it’s only available in Japan right now. Even worse, there’s no word on whether or not this collection will launch worldwide. Hopefully Konami shares some news on that in the near future.

Along with this behemoth of a soundtrack collection, Konami has also revealed Metal Gear Solid: Vinyl Selections, which is a 2-LP set with 18 tracks. This album release is priced at $50.

Last but not least, Konami has also revealed some other Metal Gear Solid merch set to release in Japan. These items will be available in Japanese arcades and the lineup is as follows:

  • Cushions and floor mats in the shape of the FOX and FOXHOUND insignias.
  • Tumblers featuring designs of the TX-55 Metal Gear, Metal Gear REX, Metal Gear RAY and the Shagohod, accompanied by designs of Snake and Raiden from their respective games.
  • A Buruburu Sneaking Plushie featuring two designs of the iconic cardboard box, featuring a drawstring that causes it to jiggle forwards.

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