
Back in February 2023, Velan Studios announced that the servers for their online free-to-play game Knockout City would be shutdown later that year on June 6th. Some of the reasons given for the closure was how difficult it was for a smaller studio to retain new users and maintain an active game, along with just how demanding it would be to make the necessary changes to achieve that.

Now one year later, Velan Studios has shared that they’re working on two new titles, but neither of them are tied to Knockout City in any way. While that might seem like the final nail in the coffin for the Knockout City world, Velan Studios says it’s actually quite the opposite.

In an official blog post, Velan Studios has shared a message that gives hope for Knockout City to return in some form. While it most likely won’t be a return of that multiplayer dodgeball experience, it seems the world in which Knockout City took place could be revisited for something new. You can see the message from Velan Studios below.

We know that some of you are waiting for Knockout City to return and are disappointed that we didn’t announce any news about that this week. As an indie studio, we love our ability to lean into ideas that excite us, and rest assured we love KO City as much as you do and want to bring it back, just not yet. We spent over four years crafting Knockout City the first time around, and we don’t want to rush the process for the next game in that universe. We love that world and can’t imagine not going back to it at some point, when the time is right.

[Velan Studios]

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