
The recent announcement of Life is Strange: Double Exposure has caused renewed interest in the Life is Strange franchise, particularly the debut installment. This is because Double Exposure continues the story of Max Caulfield, the protagonist of the first game. Fans can’t wait to see what’s next for Max, and newcomers are jumping into the original game for the first time to see what the fuss is all about.

All of that attention on Life is Strange has led to the discovery of an Easter egg that very few players have ever picked up on. I consider myself to be quite the Life is Strange fan, and I certainly didn’t catch this moment when I played through, nor have I read about it anywhere. Chances are most Life is Strange players didn’t notice this blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, but it’s well worth seeing.

We’ll place the Easter egg after the jump, as it contains some pretty big spoilers about one of the game’s characters, Kate Marsh. Along with that, please note that the Easter egg deals with some very heavy topics, so take caution if you click through.

As Life is Strange fans know, Kate Marsh is one of the students you’ll come across during the adventure. Kate has gone through some absolutely horrendous bullying, and the end result is a situation where she is contemplating suicide by jumping off the school’s roof. While you can prevent this from happening depending on your choices, a moment earlier in the game foreshadows Kate’s potential fate.

As you can see in the clip above, when Kate Marsh’s name is brought up, you can see Kate pacing across the school rooftop in the background. It’s a pretty unsettling discovery, yet still and interesting Easter egg for the eagle-eyed fans out there. Did you catch this one when you were playing through Life is Strange?

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