
The Wii U rode off into the sunset 5 years ago, and the 3DS followed a few years after that. Many Nintendo fans have since moved on to the Switch, but if you’re still one of the Wii U or 3DS faithful, we have some news to share on services that won’t be supported much longer.

YouTube, Crunchyroll and NicoNico have all announced that they’re Wii U and 3DS apps are set for deactivation in the near future. In the case of Crunchroll, Wii U users won’t be able to use the app anymore starting August 29th, 2022. With YouTube, the app will cease to function until October 2022. Finally, the NicoNico app on 3DS will stop working on March 31st, 2023.

If you use any of these apps on the Wii U or 3DS, it’s best to find a new way to watch your favorite content. Hopefully you have another platform available where you can get your fix.


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2y ago

I’m sure that one person using YouTube on Wii U will be upset.


2y ago

I still watch YouTube videos on my Wii U. I don't use the app though, I never liked that thing, it's so slow and basic. I watch them through the internet browser, something the Switch still hasn't got. 🤭