
Nintendo Switch Sports recently received an update that included a host of fixes and new content, but it also seems to have introduced an unintended issue as well. Nintendo Switch Sports players have taken online to complain about a major issue when it comes to bowling, and it’s one that hopefully gets fixed up soon.

Players have noted that when they try to throw the bowling ball down the lane, it ends up sticking to their hand. This could sometimes happen prior to the Nintendo Switch Sports update, but it seems to have become much more prevalent afterwards. Multiple social media users have voiced their complaints, shared footage of the glitch, and are asking Nintendo to patch things up.

While we don’t have a fix for this issue, we do have some things to point out. First off, it seems like the problem happens more during online play than in local multiplayer. Along with that, the problem is more likely to occur when you’re trying to hook the ball. It’s not great having to work around mechanics to get things to function properly, but it’s very likely a fix will be issued in the near future.

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2y ago

I experience a glitch in real life; whenever I throw a bowling ball it gutters. When's Nintendo gonna patch this problem?