
The Pokémon Co. has been the target of countless rip-offs and copycats for years now, with their franchise being used as a jumping point for numerous projects. While some of those games skirt the edge of knock-off, others are a clear-cut case of theft. It’s those releases that Pokémon Co. is now going after in a new lawsuit.

Pokémon Co. has filed a lawsuit with six Chinese mobile game companies for “copyright infringement and unfair competition behavior.” Pokémon Co. is saying they’ve suffered $72 million in damages, and they want public apologies on major social media platforms and more for the infringement and theft.

The offending game is Pocket Monster Reissue that is basically Pokémon with a different skin…except when it’s not. Players have found that Pocket Monster Reissue directly lifts Pokémon designs and characters, and they’ve obviously done so without permission from the Pokémon Co.. This is about as straightforward as it gets when it comes to IP theft, but as some people know, China is extremely lax on copyright infringement.

Jiangyin Zhongnan Heavy Industries Co. is the main company behind the game, and they’ve yet to respond to this matter. It’ll be very interesting to see what happens from here on out!


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2y ago

I bet nobody goes to jail for these offences. Remember Gary Bowser earlier this year got sentenced to over 3 years for his role in the piracy scheme against Nintendo.

Pokemon Co. say they've suffered $72 million in damages here. While Bowser cost $65 million in losses, and he paid Nintendo $4.5 in restitution. The Chinese get away with murder.