LIVE A LIVE hits 500,000 copies sold

That's a lot of lives that have been lived

02 September 2022
by nintendojam 5

The HD-2D remake of the 1994 RPG, LIVE A LIVE, launched exclusively for Nintendo Switch on July 22nd, 2022, and since then, the game has sold over 500,000 copies across retail and digital storefronts. Celebrating the series 28th anniversary, the news was announced during a live-stream hosted by publisher Square Enix.

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Comments (5)


2y ago

That's excellent news! Maybe this success will pave way to other HD-2D Remakes from the 16bit era.


2y ago

I would call that "modest" success. Octopath Traveler had celebratory Tweets saying it shipped 1 million copies within a couple of weeks of release. Likewise Triangle Strategy within a month. Octopath Traveler's success is more impressive when you consider it released over 3 years ago, when the install base must have been at least half of what it is today.


2y ago

Great news! Especially considering the original sold 270k [and was Japan only]

I'll get to it eventually, it's just that time-wise it had a really awkward release [a week apart from Xenoblade...]


2y ago

I hope it continues to sell more! This is game that deserves sales.


2y ago

I bought it, havent played yet but looks really cool