
It has been a long road of rumors and speculation regarding Nintendo’s next-generation console, but recently, it seems developers have finally been given a taste of what’s to come. According to sources of Eurogamer and VGC, the Switch successor has been shown behind closed doors at Gamescom 2023.

According to the report, there was a graphically enhanced version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild shown running on the system, as well as the Unreal Engine 5 demo The Matrix Awakens. Nvidia’s DLSS upscaling tech was apparently used for the demo.

Although nothing has been confirmed by Nintendo, the anticipated Switch successor will reportedly be launching late 2024 alongside a new 3D Mario. We’ll just have to be patient for the official reveal.

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Comments (4)


11M ago

The hype train has left the station


11M ago

Honestly, I’d be more interested in having Switch 1 games run in console mode setting in Switch 2 handheld mode than see a bunch of extra work poured into individual games’ visuals. It’s a simpler across the board perk if the hardware allows it, and would make up for OLED getting cut if that rumor is true. Though the important thing is for proper backwards compatibility to be there in the first place.

Edited 1 time


11M ago

Everything about this seems exceedingly unlikely.

cheesus 2

11M ago

Remember when the 3DS was reported as being as powerful as the Xbox 360? And Capcom claiming they had Resident Evil 5 running on it?