
With the continuing online debates over Palworld’s creature designs baring a striking resemblance to many Pokémon many have wondered if Nintendo and/or the Pokémon company will take legal action against the game.

In an article by Bloomberg, it is stated that both companies declined to comment after being asked for a statement, Nintendo did state that they were aware of the game’s existence however. If Nintendo is aware of Palworld then it’s safe to assume that Pokémon Company does as well.

While it’s hard to say if either company will pursue legal action at the moment we will be sure to let you know if the news drops.

About jmaldonado


A recently graduated creative writer hoping to work his way into the greater gaming sphere.

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At first I didn't think there was anything Nintendo or Pokemon could do about it because at the end of the day, the designs aren't the same as Pokemon.

But after doing some further research, there's a decent chance that they could pursue legal action given that the model bases are actually so similar, it's almost a sure bet that the artists took existing Pokemon models and made minor changes to differentiate them. VGC did a pretty good article on it and had some professional artists weigh in, and that looks to be the conclusion. The whole thing feels pretty gross, I'm all for taking inspiration from things but don't steal work and cut corners on a major aspect of your game unless you're prepared to pay for it.


6M ago

I doubt they'll pursue legal action. They'd piss off way too many people. This is on a far larger scale than some fan mods or anything.


6M ago

At first I didn't think there was anything Nintendo or Pokemon could do about it because at the end of the day, the designs aren't the same as Pokemon.

But after doing some further research, there's a decent chance that they could pursue legal action given that the model bases are actually so similar, it's almost a sure bet that the artists took existing Pokemon models and made minor changes to differentiate them. VGC did a pretty good article on it and had some professional artists weigh in, and that looks to be the conclusion. The whole thing feels pretty gross, I'm all for taking inspiration from things but don't steal work and cut corners on a major aspect of your game unless you're prepared to pay for it.


6M ago

I think they’re gonna peruse legal action for sure, simply because some of the designs look ripped off.

The thing about this situation is now the company behind Palworld does look like they have the money to pay whatever resulting actions Nintendo might take, (if any). A lot of cynical companies that skirt the lines of legality have a term for this, it's the "cost of doing business"


6M ago

If Palworld was actually doing their own thing, even as a parody of monster catching and Pokemon games, I wouldn't have any issue with it.

But so many designs clearly started with taking several Pokemon designs and smashing them together. It just doesn't look like a case of designers doing their own thing and ending up at similar results due to coincidence, it looks like an intentional creative shortcut instead of putting in the actual work.

This all is, however, assuredly by design. This game wouldn't have half as much attention or sales if they weren't ripping off Pokemon designs.

It's a calculated strategy to stir up controversy and sales. Will it play out in the long run for them?

We'll just have to wait and see.